This service is an advertising and informing solution which companies and product owners can encourage their subscribers and potential contacts to listen to selected advertising or informing messages as they want, in exchange for paying their costs.
This service can be done with two ways:
1. Contact call(SIM card owner) to system
In this item, the subscriber instead of directly contacting his or her number, call the service applicant company and he will listen to the corresponding voice message. If connected, the total cost of the call or part of it will be free for him. The cost of free call will determine by Applicant Company and the subscriber will be informed.
2. Call from system to SIM card owner
In this item, a specific citation is contacted with the potential subscriber and based on client desire, the audio broadcast will be played for him. After the end of the call, the subscriber can enter the desired phone number and receive a free call within a specified period of time.
Features and benefits
- Ability to create an advertising campaign based on age, male or female and other characteristics.
- Ability to limit each subscriber to use discounts in every campaign.
- Ability to configure advertising campaign for holding in specific time range like days, hours or special events.